Lighting the Way
Since 2021
We work primarily with hedge funds and other institutional investors to improve their performance. We lighten their workload and increase their return.
We are an independent stock research firm. We do not have a sell-side arm. Nor are we owned by a bigger firm that does have a sell-side arm. We are free to give our true and unvarnished opinions of the stocks we cover.
We forecast, and rate only publicly traded American companies. We do not cover foreign companies and economies, and we analyze foreign entities only insofar as that analysis helps us to grade American companies. We specialize in what we do best. We focus on American companies.
We strive for accuracy more than any other firm. Most stock research firms try to dazzle their users with fancy graphics and animation to distract from the fact that their research is not very good. We do the opposite. We provide a plain, sober-looking analysis. But that analysis dazzles with clarity, reliability, and accuracy.
Making an Impact Across the Market.
We do a preliminary analysis of the market and identify the stocks with the greatest and least potential. We make this propriety information available only to our partners. Our partners have had a 55% head start before doing one bit of work.
Market Leader 3 Years in a Row
Since our inception, our research has led the field overall and every year.
Total outperformance
Average outperformance per year